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August 12, 2013
 Town of Princeton, Mass.
BOARD OF SELECTMEN   --  August 12, 2013
6:00 PM  Open Meeting  The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Stan Moss, Edith Morgan, Neil Sulmasy and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.

Warrants and minutes

Reviewed and Approved Vendor and Payroll Warrants: FY14 # 3
Board voted all in favor to approve minutes for July 29

New Business

6:10 PM  Board voted all in favor to approve request from Congregational Church for use of Town Common from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 28, for Town-Wide Yard Sale

Board reviewed draft version of FY 2014 BOS Goals – They noted that most short-term goals were accomplished, including hiring a FT fire chief, but Stan noted “that unraveled.”  Now, selectmen are considering hiring a fire chief but maybe not fulltime. Stan also noted the PCB mediation at T.P. School was “closed out.” One change to the ‘Goals’ document was to replace: “Support the Broadband Committee’s exploration of a town-owned High-Speed Internet System” with “Support the Broadband Committee’s planning and potential implementation of a town-owned High-Speed Internet System.” The board voted all in favor to accept the FY’14 Goals as presented with changes as noted.

6:25 PM  Selectmen reviewed details about a regional Animal Control program, supported by a state grant, to be based in Rutland, using their new kennel facility and the services of AC Officer Laura Pease. Stan and John L. met with Ms. Pease and Rutland Police Chief Donald Haapakoski on July 24 and were very impressed with the professional operation and high level of service. So far, the towns of Barre, Rutland, Princeton and possibly Oakham would be included in the region sharing service. An assistant would be on call when the regular ACO is not on duty so service is 24/7. The fees not covered by the grant would be shared by all towns at a ratio based on population and Princeton would be charged approximately $5,400 - $5,900 annually. Princeton currently spends about $11,000 annually for animal control.  John L. said he’d get the Rutland chief and ACO in to the next selectmen meeting Aug. 26 and that a intermunicipal agreement must be finalized by all participating towns—at which time the BOS can approve and sign it. The selectmen have reviewed a sample contract and suggested minor changes. In the interim, Princeton can call on Ms. Pease for animal control issues as part of mutual aid.

6:45 PM  John L. described the Central Region Homeland Security Advisory Council Grant in which the town received $10,470. He and public safety staff picked two major items that have already been delivered:  a portable light tower with four 1,000 watt lamps fed by a diesel generator which has ability to power other equipment; and, a 6,500 watt emergency, gasoline generator. They used up the balance of funds purchasing some road barricades and public health clinic privacy screens.

Old Business

6:50 PM  The board voted all in favor to authorize purchase of a 1995 fire pumper after noting a review of all specifications from Fire Capt. Ken Whitney. At $57,000 it came in under the FD budgeted amount of $60,000. Balance of $3,000 will be used for lettering and other commissioning costs.

Stan provided an update on the Broadband Committee, and it was noted that the G4S Technology, LLC firm withdrew a proposal for the project design. John L. explained that their legal counsel felt they would be excluded from doing the construction part of the project if they did the design, an opinion not shared by all.  A news release was distributed  from the Broadband Committee, explaining how the Mass. Broadband Institute has moved its schedule for wire installation forward and the project is being delayed accordingly—now slated to start in December. Volunteers are making progress with the task of collecting GPS readings of all utility poles in town.

7:05 PM  Friends of Mechanics Hall group is planning to clean out the basement and remove old metal ductwork that sprouts from a huge, defunct, coal-fired furnace. They are waiting for more communication with the building inspector, who had some concerns.

The MBTA Advisory Board requests that the BOS appoint a representative for the board. Stan pointed out with much frustration that Princeton is assessed $18,198 (subtracted from the town’s Cherry Sheet figure) because of its proximity to a commuter rail station (in Fitchburg) plus $4,122 is assessed by the Worcester RTA to help support its local public transportation.

John L. Also reported that Chapter 90 highway funds from the state for FY’14 are almost level with last year--at about $1,000 less.

7:15 PM  Adjourned   Selectmen voted all in favor to adjourn

Respectfully submitted,   Marie Auger, administrative assistant
Referenced Documents;  news release from Broadband Committee; Broadband designer G4S Tech withdrawal letter; FD Bid Review from K Whitney;  spreadsheet outlining ACO Project 2013; FY 14 Chapt.90 hwy.funding report; Goals for BOS in FY 2014; Sample Intermunicipal Agreement for Animal Control; Townwide yard sale request

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department